Oni Premium

Oni Premium


Recommended settings:

Our entry signal is very versatile and can handle many different strategy types. We recommend traders to experiment and to join our Oni Community chat to learn and share with other members. Here is a brief overview: 

Take profit: start taking profit around 1% and gradually increase based on your experience. The strategy handles ttp quite well but that comes down to trader preference

DCA: The strategy is not overly reliant on DCA, but the trader can add it to increase profits and gain a better entry. Using safeties based on volume has had a positive result for us. Some of our members have also had success not using DCA, but manually intervening instead. 

Stop loss:  A hard stop loss of -15% would be prudent for a worst case scenario. We have never had a stop loss trigger but we have closed stagnant trades in the past. Having said that, we have safety features in place to avoid buying coins that are crashing too hard. 

Timeframe: We recommend waiting a few days for the trade to close, while the majority of trades close within the first few hours some of them do take 2-3 days. 

Number of trades per market: We recommend only a handful of position, the strategy is active but it wouldn't be classified as high frequency. Therefore it's always a better idea to be engaged with more of your trading portfolio per trade. 

Coins: We have our own blacklist so you can safely pick all coins and we prevent certain trades from going through on our end. We also recommend at least 2 of the same coin if you want to hold multiple coins. Sometimes the same coin will re-trigger

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What is Oni?

Oni are signals unlike anything else. We provide highly efficient signals to help build your portfolio – on top of this we provide a community that actively encourage each other to improve. We are combating the negative connotation behind signals and bringing the community back. We want to help you discover where you are going wrong and help build a profitable portfolio once again.

The technical details

We have been trading since 2014 and have experience through the positive and negative markets. Our strategy takes into account artificial intelligence to scan the markets and present perfect opportunities. This has been in development over the past 2 years – though many different testing benches both paper and live trading. 

We have a team working on Oni 7 days a week, offering technical support to ensure complete uptime. This also means the signals have a method of manual intervention to ensure no bad trades come through.


Our members recommend 1% as the target profit as standard. At 1% we can achieve 95% success whereas 3% has a falloff to 36% profitability. To be extra conservative you can use 0.50% take profit.

Risk management

Please watch this video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwINOhfoLu8

We HIGHLY recommend only using 1-2% funds per trade – if you wish to DCA for a better entry (this has proven successful) that is your choice. DO NOT risk more as this can lead to being locked into trades. While the statistics look great – some trades can take longer than others. We have found it extremely profitable to make small but mass entries.  In the event one trade goes south you only have a tiny portion of a loss. We will recommend to close certain trades to ensure you stay in profit.