Convert 20 SOL to USD (Solana to US Dollar)
The 3Commas currency calculator allows you to convert a currency from Solana (SOL) to US Dollar (USD) in just a few clicks at live exchange rates.
Simply enter the amount of Solana you wish to convert to USD and the conversion amount automatically populates. You can also use our Prices Calculator Table to calculate how much your currency is worth in other denominations, i.e. .1 SOL, .5 SOL, 1 SOL, 5 SOL, or even 10 SOL.
Data provided by Coingecko API
SOL to USD Exchange Calculator
The chart displays Solana price changes in USD.
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Latest SOL to USD price calculator
Solana market price is updated every three minutes and is automatically displayed in USD. Below are the most popular denominations to convert to USD.
Solana | US Dollar |
0.01 SOL | 1.20 USD |
0.1 SOL | 11.96 USD |
1 SOL | 119.55 USD |
2 SOL | 239.10 USD |
3 SOL | 358.65 USD |
5 SOL | 597.75 USD |
10 SOL | 1195.50 USD |
25 SOL | 2988.75 USD |
50 SOL | 5977.50 USD |
100 SOL | 11955.00 USD |
250 SOL | 29887.50 USD |
500 SOL | 59775.00 USD |
1000 SOL | 119550.00 USD |
2500 SOL | 298875.00 USD |
0.05 SOL | 5.98 USD |
0.06 SOL | 7.17 USD |
0.09 SOL | 10.76 USD |
0.2 SOL | 23.91 USD |
0.22 SOL | 26.30 USD |
0.25 SOL | 29.89 USD |
0.3 SOL | 35.87 USD |
0.33 SOL | 39.45 USD |
0.4 SOL | 47.82 USD |
0.44 SOL | 52.60 USD |
0.45 SOL | 53.80 USD |
0.5 SOL | 59.78 USD |
0.69 SOL | 82.49 USD |
0.8 SOL | 95.64 USD |
0.88 SOL | 105.20 USD |
0.9 SOL | 107.60 USD |
1.1 SOL | 131.51 USD |
1.2 SOL | 143.46 USD |
1.3 SOL | 155.42 USD |
1.6 SOL | 191.28 USD |
1.7 SOL | 203.24 USD |
3.3 SOL | 394.52 USD |
4.5 SOL | 537.98 USD |
6 SOL | 717.30 USD |
6.9 SOL | 824.90 USD |
7 SOL | 836.85 USD |
8 SOL | 956.40 USD |
9 SOL | 1075.95 USD |
11 SOL | 1315.05 USD |
12 SOL | 1434.60 USD |
14 SOL | 1673.70 USD |
20 SOL | 2391.00 USD |
40 SOL | 4782.00 USD |
60 SOL | 7173.00 USD |
69 SOL | 8248.95 USD |
150 SOL | 17932.50 USD |
200 SOL | 23910.00 USD |
650 SOL | 77707.50 USD |
US Dollar | Solana |
0.01 USD | 0.00008365 SOL |
0.1 USD | 0.00083647 SOL |
1 USD | 0.00836470 SOL |
2 USD | 0.01672940 SOL |
3 USD | 0.02509410 SOL |
5 USD | 0.04182350 SOL |
10 USD | 0.08364701 SOL |
25 USD | 0.20911752 SOL |
50 USD | 0.41823505 SOL |
100 USD | 0.83647010 SOL |
250 USD | 2.09117524 SOL |
500 USD | 4.18235048 SOL |
1000 USD | 8.36470096 SOL |
2500 USD | 20.91175240 SOL |
0.05 USD | 0.00041824 SOL |
0.06 USD | 0.00050188 SOL |
0.09 USD | 0.00075282 SOL |
0.2 USD | 0.00167294 SOL |
0.22 USD | 0.00184023 SOL |
0.25 USD | 0.00209118 SOL |
0.3 USD | 0.00250941 SOL |
0.33 USD | 0.00276035 SOL |
0.4 USD | 0.00334588 SOL |
0.44 USD | 0.00368047 SOL |
0.45 USD | 0.00376412 SOL |
0.5 USD | 0.00418235 SOL |
0.69 USD | 0.00577164 SOL |
0.8 USD | 0.00669176 SOL |
0.88 USD | 0.00736094 SOL |
0.9 USD | 0.00752823 SOL |
1.1 USD | 0.00920117 SOL |
1.2 USD | 0.01003764 SOL |
1.3 USD | 0.01087411 SOL |
1.6 USD | 0.01338352 SOL |
1.7 USD | 0.01421999 SOL |
3.3 USD | 0.02760351 SOL |
4.5 USD | 0.03764115 SOL |
6 USD | 0.05018821 SOL |
6.9 USD | 0.05771644 SOL |
7 USD | 0.05855291 SOL |
8 USD | 0.06691761 SOL |
9 USD | 0.07528231 SOL |
11 USD | 0.09201171 SOL |
12 USD | 0.10037641 SOL |
14 USD | 0.11710581 SOL |
20 USD | 0.16729402 SOL |
40 USD | 0.33458804 SOL |
60 USD | 0.50188206 SOL |
69 USD | 0.57716437 SOL |
150 USD | 1.25470514 SOL |
200 USD | 1.67294019 SOL |
650 USD | 5.43705563 SOL |
Data provided by Coingecko API
Top Currencies
Data provided by Coingecko API
Solana price in USD is constantly changing.
At this moment, 1 Solana equals 119.55 USD
The 3Commas Solana Calculator allows you to easily calculate the conversion price of SOL to USD by simply entering the amount of Solana in the corresponding field and will automatically convert the value in US Dollar (USD).
You can also use our Solana price table above to check the latest Solana price in major fiat and crypto currencies.
The most common way of converting SOL to USD is by using a Crypto Exchange or a P2P (person-to-person) exchange platform like LocalBitcoins, etc.