Shahtrades future signals
Binance future
USDT pair all (long)
Minimum and max active deals between =10-20
Base order size depends on your funds
Safety order size double based order
Target profit (%) 0.35%-1.0%
Trailing deviation 0.2%
Max safety trades count 2
Max active safety trades count 2
Price deviation to open safety orders (% from initial order) 2%
Safety order volume scale 1.5%
Safety order step scale 1%
Leverage 5x-10x Recommended
Simultaneous deals per same pair 10
Future bot setting
Usdt pair all (short )
For more detail please contact with me on telegram
Bybit future long bot setting
Note as 3commas not allow multi pair for Bybit exchange like Binance so you can copy same setting and create bot manually recommended all pair Bybit future
Setting link for long bot
Short bot link bybit
Últimas señales
(visualizadas con un retraso de 24 horas)
Par | Exchange | Tipo | Beneficio máximo | Beneficio mínimo | Beneficio medio | Fecha |
USDT_OLUSDT | binance_futures | short | Sin datos | Sin datos | Sin datos | 31 dic 16:32 |
USDT_OLUSDT | bybit_usdt_perpetual | short | Sin datos | Sin datos | Sin datos | 31 dic 16:32 |
USDT_OL-USDT-SWAP | okex | short | Sin datos | Sin datos | Sin datos | 31 dic 16:32 |
USDT_SOLUSDT | binance_futures | short | Sin datos | Sin datos | Sin datos | 31 dic 16:19 |
USDT_SOLUSDT | bybit_usdt_perpetual | short | Sin datos | Sin datos | Sin datos | 31 dic 16:19 |
USDT_SOL-USDT-SWAP | okex | short | Sin datos | Sin datos | Sin datos | 31 dic 16:19 |
USDT_ZEREBROUSDT | binance_futures | short | Sin datos | Sin datos | Sin datos | 31 dic 16:17 |
USDT_ZEREBROUSDT | bybit_usdt_perpetual | short | Sin datos | Sin datos | Sin datos | 31 dic 16:17 |
USDT_ZEREBRO-USDT-SWAP | okex | short | Sin datos | Sin datos | Sin datos | 31 dic 16:17 |
USDT_ZEREBROUSDT | binance_futures | short | Sin datos | Sin datos | Sin datos | 31 dic 16:14 |
USDT_ZEREBROUSDT | bybit_usdt_perpetual | short | Sin datos | Sin datos | Sin datos | 31 dic 16:14 |
USDT_ZEREBRO-USDT-SWAP | okex | short | Sin datos | Sin datos | Sin datos | 31 dic 16:14 |
USDT_MAJORUSDT | binance_futures | long | Sin datos | Sin datos | Sin datos | 30 dic 22:36 |
USDT_MAJORUSDT | bybit_usdt_perpetual | long | Sin datos | Sin datos | Sin datos | 30 dic 22:36 |
USDT_MAJOR-USDT-SWAP | okex | long | Sin datos | Sin datos | Sin datos | 30 dic 22:36 |
USDT_BTCUSDT | binance_futures | long | Sin datos | Sin datos | Sin datos | 30 dic 00:43 |
USDT_BTCUSDT | bybit_usdt_perpetual | long | Sin datos | Sin datos | Sin datos | 30 dic 00:43 |
USDT_BTC-USDT-SWAP | okex | long | Sin datos | Sin datos | Sin datos | 30 dic 00:43 |
USDT_ENSUSDT | binance_futures | long | Sin datos | Sin datos | Sin datos | 30 dic 00:33 |
USDT_ENSUSDT | bybit_usdt_perpetual | long | Sin datos | Sin datos | Sin datos | 30 dic 00:33 |
USDT_ENS-USDT-SWAP | okex | long | Sin datos | Sin datos | Sin datos | 30 dic 00:33 |
USDT_SOLUSDT | binance_futures | long | Sin datos | Sin datos | Sin datos | 30 dic 00:05 |
USDT_SOLUSDT | bybit_usdt_perpetual | long | Sin datos | Sin datos | Sin datos | 30 dic 00:05 |
USDT_SOL-USDT-SWAP | okex | long | Sin datos | Sin datos | Sin datos | 30 dic 00:05 |
USDT_SOLUSDT | binance_futures | short | Sin datos | Sin datos | Sin datos | 29 dic 01:25 |
USDT_SOLUSDT | bybit_usdt_perpetual | short | Sin datos | Sin datos | Sin datos | 29 dic 01:25 |
USDT_SOL-USDT-SWAP | okex | short | Sin datos | Sin datos | Sin datos | 29 dic 01:25 |
USDT_MAJORUSDT | binance_futures | short | Sin datos | Sin datos | Sin datos | 29 dic 01:10 |
USDT_MAJORUSDT | bybit_usdt_perpetual | short | Sin datos | Sin datos | Sin datos | 29 dic 01:10 |
USDT_MAJOR-USDT-SWAP | okex | short | Sin datos | Sin datos | Sin datos | 29 dic 01:10 |
Descripción general
All of signal provide manually properly based on market and with best technical analysis and fundamental analysis our aim is only profit we provide best signal which is close in quick profit our signal ratio are also best we want from you just follow bot setting for best result.
We don’t need stoploss for our signals its only optional if you we know we provide best result if you need stoploss go find other signal and loss our money with us you only make profit no loss thank you so much.
Please follow preset bot link to setup bot only changes is you need to adjust max active trade as per your funds no other setting need to change follow as per in bot link
All settings are in bot link take profit stop-loss etc so please its highly recommend to follow preset bot link as per your exchange and relax your mind you will see profit come
Please do not close any running deal in loss all deals will close in profit sometime market up and down but no need to close and face loss
Any issue or need help please contact telegram id
telegram channel